Inicio ¡Quede! Ellos protagonizarán «Equal» en HBO Max

Ellos protagonizarán «Equal» en HBO Max


Manas, el aña se nos ha ido más rápido que la del chacal, y me refiero a la decepción del chacal, no sean ustedas mal pensadas. Pero ya poniéndonos… serias, encerradas se nos ha pasado volando el aña, ¿o no?

Tan es así que ya por fin, este mes de octubre llega a HBO Max la próxima docuserie que estará divida en 4 partes, y que hablará sobre la historia del movimiento de derechos civiles LGBTTTIQA+. Greg Berlanti y Jim Parsons están dentrás de la dirección de este proyecto, que dará voz a aquellos personajes «poco populares» que han dado todo por el reconocimiento de los derechos de nuestra khermosa comunidarks.

Esta tramará nos llevará a lo ocurrido después del levantamiento de Stonewall, pero algo que ha llamado mucho la atención de todo munda, es la visibilidad que le está dando a artistas Queer. El reparto incluye a:

Keiynan Lonsdale como Bayard Rustin.


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boy listen

Una publicación compartida por Keiynan Lonsdale (@keiynanlonsdale) el

Anthony Rapp como el fundador de Mattachine Society, Harry Hay.


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Sound check for tonight’s gig with @adampascal at @pittbradfordarts

Una publicación compartida por Anthony Rapp (@albinokid1026) el

Hailie Sahar como Sylvia Rivera.


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One man’s “I’m not ready” Is another man’s “I knew the second I saw her”. @chanelofficial

Una publicación compartida por Hailie Sahar (@hailiesahar) el

Jamie Clayton como Christine Jorgensen.


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🎵Promises me I’m as safe as houses As long as I remember who’s…🎶

Una publicación compartida por Jamie Clayton (@msjamieclayton) el

Samira Wiley como la dramaturga de Raisin in the Sun Lorraine Hannsberry.

Elizabeth Ludlow como Stormé DeLarverie (la mujer que en realidad comenzaron los disturbios de Stonewall).


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Thank you @civilian_mag for sharing my story.

Una publicación compartida por Elizabeth Faith Ludlow (@elizabethfaithludlow) el

Shannon Purser y Heather Matarazzo como la pareja de activistas lesbianas Del Martin y Phyllis Lyon.


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Una publicación compartida por Shannon Purser (@shannonpurser) el


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Felt cute. Might feed you later. #boobsfordays🔥 #couldfeedavillage

Una publicación compartida por heathermatarazzo (@heathermatarazzo) el

Isis King


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Got into a full on gig today with @alyssaedwards_1 and @ikeausa !!!! So much fun, AND THIS BEAT I DID!!! *tongue pop* …dress @lulus

Una publicación compartida por Isis King (@msisisking) el

Gale Harold


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Good evening #QAF Folks. Hope you are safe, healthy and looking and feeling good. #GaleHarold #BrianKinney ✌️&❤️ 🚬😎 #WearYourMask 😷

Una publicación compartida por Gale Harold Fans (@galeharoldfans) el

Chyanne Jackson


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Happy pride from @foxtv #TVForALL • Photos by @___sydneyclaire via FaceTime. #CALLmeKAT #pride2020🏳️‍🌈

Una publicación compartida por ᴄʜᴇʏᴇɴɴᴇ ᴊᴀᴄᴋsᴏɴ (@mrcheyennejackson) el

Sam Pancake

Jai Rodríguez

Theo Germaine


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🥺 Thank you, @boipkgshop / @boipkg for your generosity, softness, and my new boxer briefs! If you are in need of some new undies, let me direct you to BoiPKG. I have copied and pasted the words of Shareef Jenkins, the very kind founder and CEO, so that you can learn more about what BoiPKG is about directly from them! – – > «My name is Shareef Hadid Jenkins. I come from a long line of fashion entrepreneurs. My great grandmother was a dress maker and my father is a high end scarf designer. Today I carry the baton by creating BoiPKG. Pronounced Boy Package with the reclaiming of the societal boy B-O-Y to B-O-I. This is an example of claiming and reclaiming your own identity. I set out to create a brand that is not limited by gender constructs. Clothes have no gender. BoiPKG is here for you to order what makes you feel good about you. How ever you identify nonbinary, transgender, genderqueer, male, female, LGBTQIAP, it is my goal for BoiPKG to be a brand for you to feel free to be your truest self. One of the ways BoiPKG accomplishes this is by being dedicated to nonbinary and Trans visibility in our social media and advertising. More than any other brand will you see an Instagram page as diverse as ours. We love when customers send us fan pics for us to re-gram showing us just how diverse and united our community can be and is. We are dedicated to our community donating 10% of over all sales to organizations like The Attic Youth Group for LGBTQIAP youth in Philadelphia PA, The Black Travel Trans Fund a mutual aid fund creating safe spaces for trans women of color to travel safely, The American Indian House in NYC, and most recently we have created a mutual aid fund to donate to those in need and displaced workers due to Covid19.  Thank you for taking the time to learn a little about us and please join us in our growth. This is our third year of business and during this pandemic we pivot to focus on how we can create jobs and products to help keep us safer in this world. We still will have fun and sexy underwear and dapper jumpsuits but our community and our safety comes first!» Ps – my leg tattoos are by @noxttt, @apropertattoo, and @key.sea.tattoos 😍

Una publicación compartida por theo germaine (@theogermaine) el

¿Alguien más ya quiere que sea octubra? ¡Kemosión!