Inicio ¡Quede! Por lanzado, actor tiene que salir del clóset tras ser evidenciado por...

Por lanzado, actor tiene que salir del clóset tras ser evidenciado por su entrenador


Manas, ¡sean prudentas, no les vaya a pasar esto! Resulta que mi comadre la actriz en puntas Alex Díaz, tuvo que usar su cuenta de Instagram para reconocerse como un hombre bisexual, y fue debido a que su entrenador personal lo expuso tras una serie de mensajes.

La comadre, nada perdida, intentó ligars al coach, y le mandó un mensaje sugiriendo una «propuesta inapropiada», pero la musculoca no se quedó callada y compartió las capturas de pantalla de esta bochornosa situación, y Alex tuvo que admitir su error, pedir disculpas y además, hablar abiertamente sobre su sexualidad.

«Lo siento. Me equivoqué con mis acciones, y no pude mantener los valores que tanto intento transmitir en linea. Pido perdón a mi equipo de management, a las marcas, a mis seguidores, a mis amigos, a mi familia y a todos los demás que decepcioné con lo que hice», se puede leer en su disculpa, que cabe mencionars, nada bruta intentó hacerse la vissstima pidiendo perdón por ser bisexuala, sin embargo, lo decepcionante para algunos de sus seguidores, fue el acoso del que fue autor. ¡No sean así, manas! Respeten.


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thank you for the thousands of messages of love and support all over twitter and my message requests here on instagram. I am going to release a full statement when the time is right but for now I would just like to say sorry and thank you. I ask forgiveness from my management, the brands, supporters, friends, my family and everyone else I let down by what I did and/or who I am. Im sorry, I was wrong in my actions and failed to uphold the values I so strongly try to convey online. It was not my intention to hurt anyone or elude the truth of who I am for all these years but rather a showbiz decisions based on the state of our nation in regards to acceptance and representation of who I am. But I sincerely thank everyone for not failing to remind me that I am human and that I too am loved. —Never again will I be shackled by the fear of what might be said about who I am for fear of losing my career and instead, I will seek help, heal and champion change, acceptance and representation for the bisexual community and/or anyone who is met with prejudice in our society. I see now that my actions are not caused by but rather the effect of the unhealthy and toxic suppression of all of who I am as a human being. Im in a better place now. My passion is performing, making people happy & making people smile. My only hope is that I can continue to use this platform to do such in whatever new path this universe-given experience has opened up for me. For now, I will rest, reevaluate and come back stronger and better than ever. I love you all, I have learned and I am growing. thank you. ??️‍?⚤

Una publicación compartida por james alexander diaz mcdermott (@alexandermcdizz) el


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whats up everyone. just wanted to post a short message. Im still going to take some time off but I’m so fortunate to still he working with brands I believe in and who believe in whats happening and in the bigger picture of all of this. so just wanted to tell you guys that I’m not finished, i will continue to use this platform to spread awareness, visibility and understand on issues that matter. International publications from all over the world have picked up the story and im getting messages and stories from all over the world. and i promise. I refresh them and read all of them. you are valid ? but for now, trabaho muna tayo (I gotta continue working, gotta get that bread ✌?☺️) Have a great day all. ? ps. sorry bout the spelling on the IGS, I was typing fast out of excitement.

Una publicación compartida por james alexander diaz mcdermott (@alexandermcdizz) el