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¡Dios mía! El médico más guapo de NY busca pareja ¡Apúntense manas! #Fotos


Dios mía!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mikhail Varshavski se volvió viral cuando alguien lo denunció en redes sociales, debido a su atractivo e irresistible físico, ahora quiere encontrar pareja!!!!!

El doctorcito Mike ha anunciado por medio de su Instagram que está buscando al amor de su vida,
“¿Tendrías una cita conmigo?”…

¡Pero por supuestaaaaaa que saaaaaaaaaa manaaaaaaaa! ¡Haznos tuyaaaaas a todaaaaaaaas!

Week 1 is in the book guys and already we have raised nearly $25,000!!! In case you’re not aware I’ve partnered with @coffeembagel to raise money for my foundation @limitlesstomorrow ? By donating at least $10 to @limitlesstomorrow via the link in my bio you are entered for a chance to win a date with me, including flights, hotel, and a dinner in NYC. The contest is open internationally! The more you donate the more chances you have to win! The contest closes on January 27th but the date will happen as our schedules allow 🙂 Using your donations @limitlesstomorrow will be able help fund the dreams of young students everywhere! Don’t let an opportunity for an awesome #nyc experience and a chance to help a truly fantastic cause, slip through your fingers! P.S. I’m really excited for our date ? #dateforcharity #unlimityourself

A photo posted by Dr. Mike (@doctor.mike) on

It’s easy to get addicted to familiarity, just don’t forget to spend some time wandering in the unknown. ?

A photo posted by Dr. Mike (@doctor.mike) on