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Así fue la romanticaa propuesta de matrimoniaaa de Jeff Leatham a Colton Haynes #Videaa


Desde hace un mes el actor Colton Haynes y el diseñador floral Jeff Leatham, hicieron pública su relación sentimental. Sin embargo, este fin de semana decidieron llevar su relación al siguiente paso.

And the Sunshine ☀️ on his Face – Pure Bliss – #Love – #Blessed – Let the Sunshine in @coltonlhaynes ????????⭐️⭐️⭐️??? #Beachlife

Una publicación compartida de JeffLeatham (@jeffleatham) el

Resulta que el pasado fin de semana, Jeff decidió proponerle matrimonio al actor de Teen Wolf y Arrow. Esto sucedió durante una romántica cena en la playa de Cabo San Lucas. En el lugar, Jeff mandó instalar una pantalla gigante, a través de la cual, la cantante Cher interpretó el tema “I got you babe”.

Thank you @cher and @pauletteakapauly – for helping making my Proposal Evening Epic – I got you Babe never sounded so good right before @coltonlhaynes said YES!!! So Appreciative and much love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️#Love – #Friendship – #Cher – #FireworksFlowersFullmoonCher – #IGotYouBabe

Una publicación compartida de JeffLeatham (@jeffleatham) el

«¡Dije que sí!», escribió el actor en la fotografía que compartió en Instagram en la que se le puede ver besando a su pareja frente a un gran despliegue de fuegos artificiales.

Familiares y amigos (entre ellos Melanie Griffith, Serena William y Ally Maki) estuvieron presentes por medio de mensajes videograbados deseando lo mejor para la pareja.

I SAID YES!!! ??❤️ @jeffleatham

Una publicación compartida de Colton Haynes (@coltonlhaynes) el

Thank you @cher for the beautiful «I got you babe» proposal lead in, you sounded incredible as always 🙂 The most special night of my life @jeffleatham . #flowers #fireworks #fullmoon #cher ❤️❤️❤️????❤️❤️

Una publicación compartida de Colton Haynes (@coltonlhaynes) el

Overwhelmed by all of the love & support y’all have been sending @jeffleatham & I on our engagement. The fact that so many people love love as much as we do is truly inspiring and I feel so humbled. Who woulda thought that a lil ole kansas boy would meet a country boy from Utah & embark on journey that truly feels like one in the movies? I wish the same for everyone out there. No matter who you love…don’t be afraid to love hard 🙂 #whatmoviesaremadeof #LoveWins ❤️?❤️???

Una publicación compartida de Colton Haynes (@coltonlhaynes) el

MY BEST FRIEND IS ENGAGED!!! This will forever be the best FaceTime call of my life. Overjoyed with love and emotion for my soul mate baby and ride or die on the happiest day of his life. Colt this is the moment!! Over a decades worth of our sleepovers and made up songs, all night wine sessions talking about love and Adele singalongs all leading up to this very moment. I’m so happy for you my angel. So happy that you found someone who completes you and fills your heart in a way no one else can. Jeff you are family to us now but have been from the start. Thank you for showing him what true love feels like and proving that it exists. You have truly changed his life! So excited to see the journey of where your amazing bond of love takes you both. Love you both so very much!!! P.S. Now let’s make sure these bridesmaid dresses are fresh off the runway couture one of a kinds… and in the jaw dropping flattering color of diamonds okayyy thanks!! ????? @coltonlhaynes @jeffleatham @travisatreo

Una publicación compartida de Ally Maki (@allymaki) el