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Atleta británico de ciclismo se declara abiertamente gay


Una historia más de éxito, y no me refiero a que sea relevante o no que todas declaremos nuestra orientación sexuals, sin embargo, a veces es importante porque de esta forma se liberan sentimientos y entonces se comienza a disfrutars al vida, el hecho de que sea importante o no, depende de cada ser humano, ¿no creen?

Buena, pues les cuento que el atleta británico de ciclismo, Zack Leader, compartió en sus redes sociales un emotivo mensaje con el que se liberó de secretos y se sintió honesto con él mismo: «Sin nada que ocultar, no más mentiras, sin más fanfarroneo… Lo que estoy tratando de hacer es salir del clóset y decir que soy gay». Algo que compartió en este post, es que no estaba seguro si en el equipo de ciclismo aceptarían a un homosexual, pero bromeó y dijo que estaba a punto de descubrirlo.

Mientras continúa su educación como estudiante en la Universidad de Lincoln, Leader ha ganado los Campeonatos de la Copa Evolution británica en 2016 y 2017.

So 2018 is finally here and for about 6 months now, this is how I wanted to start the new year. A fresh start. No more hiding, no more lies, no more fannying around! To some of you this won’t be news or anything new but to a lot of you, I imagine it won’t have even crossed your mind. Some of you may have thought about it I imagine ? What I’m trying to do is come out and say I’m gay ?️‍? I’ve spent a lot more time in paddocks in recent seasons but this issue has never come up, I’ve never known if the paddocks would accept a gay rider. I guess I’ll find out soon! ? I’ve always worried that people would look at me differently and so wouldn’t accept me into paddocks. I’ve always worried this would hinder me from getting sponsors and maybe even signed by teams in the future; that team managers wouldn’t want the hassle and so wouldn’t bother, regardless of how good I may be. Obviously I’ll find all this out in good time but I really hope everyone both in general life and racing life accepts me for who I am. This is a purely personal decision to come out but maybe if there are other LGBT racers in British paddocks then it may help them to find themselves and consider coming out too, or find the confidence to talk about it. I’m always happy to talk to anybody about it ? Maybe one day we may see more racers happy and confident to come out as a member of the LGBT community! ? I’m telling you all now though, I’m a man on a mission. I’m going to be the first openly gay BGBC champion and then one day I’m going to Britain’s one of Britain’s first openly gay national motorcycle champions and the ultimate goal is to be THE FIRST EVER OPENLY GAY BRITISH SUPERBIKE CHAMPION. And mark my words, I’ll get there if it’s the last thing I do! I’m going to be an ambassador in racing for the LGBT community too which I’m going to be incredibly proud to do ? Feel free to message about anything guys but I hope you all accept me and continue to show me the love! ❤️ I don’t currently have that special guy in my life to share everything with and to share my journey to glory with at the moment but I’m working on it ? Happy new year everyone! #gay #gayteen #lgbt #gayracer #comingout

Una publicación compartida de Zack Leader (@zleader77) el