Inicio Uncategorized ¡Las nuevas fotos del maestro Pietro Boselli están de infarta! #Quiero #Uff

¡Las nuevas fotos del maestro Pietro Boselli están de infarta! #Quiero #Uff


Jesucristaaaaaa redentoraaaaaa!!! Perdona nuestraaaas pecadaaaaaas porque luego de ver estas imágenes andamos bien chorreadaaaaaas!!!

Pietro Boselli, el famoso maestro que hicieran virales sus alumnas al postear al atractivo joven en redes sociales, posó para la revista Attitude y buenoooooooo ¡ACTITUD QUE TRAÍAAAAA!

Si a alguien no le gustaaaa este hombreee par faaavaaaaar en este instante ¡Aviéntese del balcón!

Aquí les dejamos las fotas!!! UFF!!!!

Obsession No#14 is the wonderful Pietro Boselli. Attitude magazine published the shoot today on their ipad edition. The print magazine is out in a couple of days. @attitudemag @pietroboselli #ObsessionSeries #PietroBoselli thanks. Styled by @josephkocharian #BodyPower #muscle #fitness

A photo posted by Daniel Jaems (@danieljaems) on

Obsession No#14 is the wonderful Pietro Boselli. Attitude magazine published the shoot in this month’s print issue. @attitudemag @pietroboselli #ObsessionSeries #PietroBoselli thanks. Styled by @josephkocharian #BodyPower #muscle #fitness @versace_official #versace

A photo posted by Daniel Jaems (@danieljaems) on

Obsession No#14 is the wonderful Pietro Boselli. Attitude magazine published the shoot in this month’s print issue. @attitudemag @pietroboselli #ObsessionSeries #PietroBoselli thanks. Styled by @josephkocharian #BodyPower #muscle #fitness @charliebymz #charliebymz

A photo posted by Daniel Jaems (@danieljaems) on

Obsession No#14 is the wonderful Pietro Boselli. Attitude magazine published the shoot in this month’s print issue. @attitudemag @pietroboselli #ObsessionSeries #PietroBoselli thanks. Styled by @josephkocharian #BodyPower #muscle #fitness @versace_official #versace

A photo posted by Daniel Jaems (@danieljaems) on