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No creerás los tutoriales de maquillaje de este niño de 15 años!!!!! #Videa


Manas, hemos visto vbloggers que se maquillan y nos dan consejas de cómo hacernas el contour!!! Pero este niño está rompienda el internet!!!!

Con tan sólo 15 añas, Jake Warden ya tiene más de 770 mil seguidores en Instagram, y su más reciente video alcanzó hasta los 8 millones de visitas!!!

#UnicornFrappuccino was sold out at Starbucks so I made my own ? – Product details – Face ?- @benefitcosmetics POREfesstional primer @maccosmetics Studio fix foundation @tartecosmetics Shape Tape concealer @ Anastasiabeverlyhills Cream contour palette @tartecosmetics Highlighter in Spell bound glow – Eyes ?- @morphebrushes 35S Pallet @tartecosmetics Pro glitter liner in rose gold @katvondbeauty Tattoos liner in trooper @hudabeauty Lashes in Sasha #8 @benefitcosmetics They’re real mascara – Brows ?? @benefitcosmetics Goof proof brow pencil – Lips ? @anastasiabeverlyhills Lip palette – #wakeupandmakeup #hudabeauty #starbucks #unicornfrappuccino #anastasiabeverlyhills #katvondbeauty #makeupartist #dailymakeup #makeupvideo #makeupbyme #beautyguru #makeuptransformation #makeupclips #fashionbeauty #igmakeup #brows #hair #makeuptutorials #makeupvideos #tartecosmetics #benefitcosmetics #benefit

Una publicación compartida de Jake Warden (@jakewarden) el

They call me #crybaby ? – Product details ? – Face ?- @benefitcosmetics POREfesstional primer @maccosmerics face and body foundation @tartecosmetics Shape Tape @katvondbeauty shade and light palette @coverfx highlighter in celestial @anastasiabeverlyhills Lip palette – Eyes ?- @tartecosmetics tartlet palette @katvondbeauty Tattoos liner in trooper @hudabeauty Lashes in Sasha #8 @benefitcosmetics They're real mascara – Brows ?? @benefitcosmetics Goof proof brow pencil – Lips ? @anastasiabeverlyhills Lip palette – #wakeupandmakeup #hudabeauty #anastasiabeverlyhills #katvondbeauty #makeupartist #dailymakeup #makeupvideo #makeupbyme #beautyguru #makeuptransformation #makeupclips #fashionbeauty #igmakeup #brows #hair #makeuptutorials #makeupvideos #benefit #tartecosmetics @wakeupandmakeup

Una publicación compartida de Jake Warden (@jakewarden) el

Under da sea! ? — follow me @jakewarden for more! ——————————- Subscribe to my YouTube! Link in bio ? ——————————- Product details ? – Face ?- @benefitcosmetics POREfesstional primer @maccosmetics face and body foundation @tartecosmetics Shape Tape @katvondbeauty shade and light @coverfx highlighter in celestial – Eyes ?- @morphebrushes 12P palette @stilacosmetics glitter in diamond dust @hudabeauty lashes in Jade 13 – Brows ?? @benefitcosmetics Goof proof brow pencil – Lips ? @anastasiabeverlyhills Lip palette – #wakeupandmakeup #hudabeauty #anastasiabeverlyhills #katvondbeauty #makeupartist #dailymakeup #makeupvideo #makeupbyme #beautyguru #makeuptransformation #makeupclips #fashionbeauty #igmakeup #brows #hair #makeuptutorials #makeupvideos #benefit #tartecosmetics @wakeupandmakeup

Una publicación compartida de Jake Warden (@jakewarden) el

Rose gold ?? – Product details – Face ?- @benefitcosmetics POREfesstional primer @benefitcosmeticsHello flawless foundation @tartecosmetics Shape Tape concealer @katvondbeauty Shade and light palette @tartecosmetics Highlighter in Spell bound glow – Eyes ?- @benefitcosmetics Boing concealer @anastasiabeverlyhills Modern Renaissance Palette @tartecosmetics Pro glitter liner in Rose Gold @katvondbeauty Tattoo liner in trooper @hudabeauty Lashes in Sasha #8 @benefitcosmetics They’re real mascara – Brows ?? @benefitcosmetics Goof proof brow pencil (BEST AND EASIEST EYEBROW PENCIL EVER! I’M OBSESSED) – Lips ? @anastasiabeverlyhills Lip palette shade #4 – #wakeupandmakeup #hudabeauty #anastasiabeverlyhills #katvondbeauty #makeupartist #dailymakeup #makeupvideo #makeupbyme #beautyguru #makeuptransformation #makeupclips #fashionbeauty #igmakeup #brows #hair #makeuptutorials

Una publicación compartida de Jake Warden (@jakewarden) el

Just wanted to say hey to my 11,000 new friends ? thank you for following me and checking out my page ? welcome to the family ? Face — @itcosmetics cc cream foundation @tartecosmetics Shape Tape concealer @katvondbeauty shade and light palette @maccosmetics highlighter in soft and gentle @narsissist blush in gouge Eyes ? – @anastasiabeverlyhills Modern renaissance palette @katvondbeauty tattoo liner in trooper @tartecosmetics lashes in goddess Brows ??- @benefitcosmetics goof proof brow pencil Lips ?- @anastasiabeverlyhills Lip palette @urbandecaycosmetics liner in space cowboy #makeup #makeupart #wakeupandmakeup #benefitcosmetics #anastasiabeverlyhills #maccosmetics #beautyguru #tarte #tartecosmetics #benefit

Una publicación compartida de Jake Warden (@jakewarden) el