Inicio ¡Quede! Nombran a Alejandra Bogue una de las intérpretes que más ha influenciado...

Nombran a Alejandra Bogue una de las intérpretes que más ha influenciado en la escena Queer


Manas, ¡qué perra mi amiga!

La muy Alejandra Bogue, un ícono de la comunidarks LGBT, ha sido nombrada como una de las intérpretes que más ha influenciado la escena Queer en México. Las chavas de Ficheraz, han dedicado un post en Instagram a mi comadre, y con este le comparten a las nuevas generaciones, un poco del legado que ha dejado mi comadre en su trayectoria en el país.

Obviamenta, en este andar por su carrera, se habla sobre sus inicios en «Desde Gayola» en 2002, siendo uno de los primeros espacios de visibilidad para la comadrería del colectivo LGBT.

Comadres como mi Valentina no han dejado de expresars su amors por mi ciela La Bogue. Les comparto el post para que se vengan a darle laics y mucho amors a mi comadre.


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Actress, dancer, stripper, comedienne, impersonator, performer, singer, showgirl, TV hostess. The list goes on, making #AlejandraBogue one of the most influential queer performers in México during the late 20th century. Being barely a teenager, Alejandra joined the most controversial group of performers of the country, Mexico’s very own version of the Club Kids, with whom she trained in the art of performance and began her transition. By the early-1980s she was already a recognized figure of the city’s nightlife circuits. In addition to her work as a club personality, she occasionally participated as a performer at cultural events, as a voguing dancer in queer balls, and a stripper at burlesque festivals. In the following decade, Alejandra moved from Mexico City to Acapulco, where she began a career as a celebrity impersonator at The Gallery, an internationally renowned club. The show was a very Las Vegas-style, and its attendees were mostly American and European tourists, honeymooners who enjoyed a good variety show. In just a couple of months, Alejandra went from being a newcomer to the star of the venue. Upon her return to Mexico City, Alejandra left behind the glamour of clubs to pursue a career as a dramatic actress. She joined an all-star cast in the staging of Jean Genet’s The Maids, play with which she had full house performances for 2 years, and which earned her the recognition as a female revelation by the national association of theatre critics in 1998. Having accomplished so much, the only genre left for her to dabble in was comedy, and so she did. Her television debut was in the 2002 show ‘Desde Gayola’, a comedy show that pioneered the visibility of sexual diversity issues in Mexican TV. In a brilliant way, Alejandra became a screenwriter, and she was in charge of writing lines for her and her fellow cast members. In addition, she created various characters, such as Betty VO5 or La Tesorito, which became a vital part of the country’s LGBTQI+ culture.

Una publicación compartida por 𝖋𝖎𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖟 (@ficheraz) el