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Protagonista de iCarly enternece a fans con fotas junto a su pequeña hija


¡Khe? Manas, el suculento Nathan Kress, quien interpretara a Freddie Benson ¡ya tiene una hija!

A sus 27 añas, este guapish mushasho ha enternecido a sus seguidoras con cada fota junto a su hija Rosie, fruto del amors que el actor le tiene a su esposa London Elise Kress. La boda de estos tortolitos se realizó en 2015, y al parecers, todo va viento en popa ¡me encanta!

Les comparto las imágenes para que me digan si no se les antoja que Nathan les haga un hijo, que diga, si les palpita el ovario por ser madras. ¡Khermosos!


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You can find me on my porch, in my rocking chair, polishing my shotgun, for the next 18 to 40 years.

Una publicación compartida por Nathan Kress (@nathankress) el


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Best Christmas present ever.

Una publicación compartida por Nathan Kress (@nathankress) el


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Could stare at this face forever. #bathtime

Una publicación compartida por Nathan Kress (@nathankress) el


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?A girl with kaleidoscope eyes? ?: @jedidiahwoods

Una publicación compartida por Nathan Kress (@nathankress) el


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Twinning in NOLA. Shout out to Londy for facilitating Rosie’s new «geek-chic» look with the best Christmas present ever ?

Una publicación compartida por Nathan Kress (@nathankress) el


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My darling Rosie, Even at the very beginning of your life, it was evident that you had qualities that would come to define your personality in such a unique way. You are endlessly curious, an avid explorer, and a voracious inspector. You are constantly absorbing, processing, and hypothesizing. You are always seeking a new adventure. You are always challenging what you thought was possible. You prefer to do things yourself. If possible, you prefer to do two things at once. I don’t think you’ve met a food that you haven’t liked. You are highly driven, and (gulp) strong-willed. You are SO STRONG, and fast as lightning. And yet, you are so gentle and tender. You deeply love nature, fresh air, and all living things. Above all else, being outside is your favorite. There is no crankiness or booboo that playing in some grass can’t fix. Your awe and fascination with God’s creation is inspiring, and I’m so curious to see how that develops as you get older. You are utterly fearless and courageous. Nothing seems to phase you. You are kind, generous, and so incredibly social. Even on your not-so-great days, you brighten the lives of everyone you come across. Your smile is disarming, and contagious. You are absolutely gorgeous, which terrifies me. Good or bad, you feel everything with an alarming intensity. You can be challenging, and you can be confusing, but even in the midst of the chaos of life, you still manage to be the sweetest little hunk of love that anyone could ever imagine. Mommy and Daddy lucked out when God decided that we got to have you in our lives. We have many years ahead of us, but I do wish we could stop right here for a while. You’re getting so big, so fast, and I wish there were more hours in the day to enjoy being with you, and to watch you take in the world around you. As you head into your second year, may you continue to grow in the special qualities that you’ve been given– and as you pass more and more milestones on the way to full-blown childhood, may you never lose that wonder that sparks in your beautiful blue eyes every day. You are loved by so many, and I hope you know that will never change. Happy First Birthday, my dearest daughter ❤

Una publicación compartida por Nathan Kress (@nathankress) el


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My Fair Ladies ❤ #latergram

Una publicación compartida por Nathan Kress (@nathankress) el