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Ellos son los maestros más suculentos del munda #FelizDíaDelMaestro


¡Manas! Yo sé que varias de ustedas se quedaron en el camino escolars porque el maldito chacal las sedujo con palabras dulces al oída, pero no pueden negar que en algún grado tuvieron un crush con alguno de sus profesores, ¿o no?

Como cada 15 de mayo, nosotras celebramos a aquellos que nos han cambiado la vida con su conocimienta, o con su cuerpa, por eso, aquí les dejo a algunos de los más suculentos profesores que hemos tenido en Escándala. Recuerden que se vale denunciar a aquellos les mojen la pantaleta en plena clase.


There are many sacred yoga texts. Each one is extremely enlightening. Some of the most mind blowing and magical in my humble opinion are in Book 3 of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Pantanjali dedicates and entire section to obtaining miraculous powers (known as siddhis or vibhutis) by mastery of the yoga science – particularly, by samaya, a coalescence of the last three steps of the Eightfold Path: dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (divine union). Among the powers mentioned are levitation and the ability to walk on water or mire without sinking (Yoga Sutras III:40), as well as the ability to exercise the eight aishvaryas and to perfect the body so that its functions are unaffected by the properties of earth, water, fire, air, ether—— the solid, liquid, fiery, gaseous, and ethereal forms of matter (Yoga Sutras III:45-46). I believe on of the most critical aspects of attaining the mythical powers is to put so much faith in them they become true. If our mind doesn’t allow us to perceive something then we will likely be unable to experience it. Check out these scared texts for a more in-depth description of the potential of the practice and dedication to yogic science. ? by my amazing girlfriend @shanflowerr ? . ? ? ? ? ? ? #LifeIsaFestival #yogascience #yogateacher #asana #yoga #veganAF #lovelife

Una publicación compartida de Justin Stanley (@justinyogastanley) el

Let’s take our hearts for a walk in the woods and listen to the magical whispers of old trees

Una publicación compartida de Justin Stanley (@justinyogastanley) el

I train my body in so many different ways. Mentally and I am sure you aren’t surprised to hear me say physically as well. I would say one of the most difficult disciplines to instill has been eating for Satiation rather than sense gratification. Nutrition over pleasure, Now I am not perfect and sometimes I do eat for the taste but I always try to attain my nourishment with the mindset of just that, This food is going to replenish my energy etc. Opposed to this food tastes so good I just can’t stop I would say that me becoming vegan just under three years ago sparked that shift in my thought process. Though it took me awhile to form it into what it is growing into today. I used to be very anti supplement especially before I was really training my body. Back then I was very big into weight lifting (and believe it or not big in general lol) and still love to throw heavy weight around but I digress. The point is at that time of my life my nutrition was pure crap. I was consuming the things that most Americans do, greasy and fatty foods that I knew were not good for me. I ended up getting an injury which I attribute mostly to nutrition Why you ask? I think this is so because my body wasn’t getting the proper building blocks to help my body heal to the full potential. From that point on I knew I needed to make a switch. I experimented with various diets until I discovered for my body to perform at peak performance it is to intake a vegan diet. Fast forward three years later and I am without a doubt in the best shape in my life and it gets better everyday. Every meal I consume is strategically made along with the plethora of supplements I consume on of my favorite being @abso2rb Moral of the story be conscious of the way your body intakes anything! I would say the most important eating pattern to cut out is stress eating, using food to make you feel better aka eating to satisfy emotional needs rather to satisfy physical hunger and nourishment.

Una publicación compartida de Justin Stanley (@justinyogastanley) el



Anche questo #romics è stato divertente 🙂 finalmente zuccheri

Una publicación compartida de Ruggero Freddi (@ruggerofreddi) el

Amo molto questa foto scattata dal grande #mikymerisi @mikymerisiphotoclub ottobre 2017

Una publicación compartida de Ruggero Freddi (@ruggerofreddi) el


@starbucks: Doing year books photos right since 1971.

Una publicación compartida de Joe Dombrowski (@mrdtimes3) el


From sunkissed to sunburnt. A fine line.

Una publicación compartida de Pietro Boselli (@pietroboselli) el

Poolside gym what more

Una publicación compartida de Pietro Boselli (@pietroboselli) el

Just make it quick

Una publicación compartida de Pietro Boselli (@pietroboselli) el


Workout done ✅ #cardio #natacion #swimmer

Una publicación compartida de Juan Lu (@swimmer_sp) el

Mañana más!!. #Sleep #bed #night #goodnight ???

Una publicación compartida de Juan Lu (@swimmer_sp) el

Comenzando un nuevo día, dónde el presente ha de convertirse en futuro. #healtylife #Swimmers #future #actitude

Una publicación compartida de Juan Lu (@swimmer_sp) el