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Otro asistente a la fiesta gay Winter Party en Miami es positivo a #Covid19


Otro asistente que acudió a la fiesta gay Winter Party en Miami es positivo a #Covid19

Mike Schultz un enfermero gay que asistió a la Fiesta de Invierno de la Fuerza de Tarea LGBTQ en Miami, fue hospitalizad por dar positivo a la COVID-19.

Mike Schultz, es enfermero del Centro Médico California Pacific de San Francisco y asistió a la muy famosa fiesta de recaudación de fondos para apoyar a actividades LGBT en Miami del 4 al 10 de marzo, con su novio, Joshua Hebblethwaite, DJ en las festividades.

Schultz, de 43 años e instagramer, fue hospitalizado por el nuevo coronavirus a mediados de marzo, durante más de 2 semanas, ha estado en un ventilador en una unidad de cuidados intensivos en el Hospital St. Elizabeth en Brighton, Massachusetts.

Los seres queridos de Schultz lanzaron un GoFundMe para ayudarlo a cubrir sus gastos médicos

Varios asistentes a la Winter Party en Miami han hecho público que son positivos a #Covid19, Israel Carrera y Ron Rich murieron a causa del virus.

Winter Party es un festival de música queer producido anualmente por @thetaskforce para recaudar dinero para la comunidad LGBTQ+

Ver esta publicación en Instagram

Greetings Winter Party Guests, I am writing to let you know that on Saturday night (the 14th), I was informed that one of our Winter Party Festival (WPF) guests has tested positive for COVID-19 this last week. We are grateful to them for alerting us, particularly given that they were not experiencing symptoms during WPF. While we know there are many places people could have been exposed before and after Winter Party as this virus has developed, we wanted to make sure you have this information as soon as possible. The health and safety of anyone who participates in any Task Force event is of great importance to us. Information and circumstances have changed rapidly since WPF. We continue to encourage all WPF guests to monitor their health, practice social distancing, wash hands with soap, use hand sanitizer and contact their doctor if they think they are exhibiting symptoms. If you test positive for COVID-19, please contact those you were in direct contact with so they can take steps to monitor their health and speak with their doctors. More information from the CDC can be found here: Given what we knew at the time about the virus prior to WPF and working with local Miami Beach officials, we took steps to ensure the safety of attendees. The educational posters throughout WPF venues and 10,000 hand sanitizers we distributed over the weekend were both appreciated and utilized by attendees. Again, please take care of yourselves and if you test positive for COVID-19 in the couple of weeks, please feel free to email me at – Rea Carey, Executive Director, National LGBTQ Task Force

Una publicación compartida por Winter Party Festival (@winterparty) el