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#BultoGate Checa el semejante B U L T O T E del rapero ‘The Game’!!! #Fota


Manaaaaaaasss qué felicidad la mía de poder decirles: «Feliz y coquetónnnnnaaaaa saaaabaaadaaaabaaa hermanaaaaaassss!!!!!

Miren nada más semejante bulto manaaassss… lo sé lo sé; DE NADA!

El Rapero Jayceon Terrell Taylor, mejor  conocido como ‘The Game«, nos hizo el sábado con semejante foootaaaaaa….

Jaaasacrataaaaa es que yo no la puedo dejar de veeeeerrrrrrrrrr!!!



1st #FineNiggaFriday of 2016 & lets just say I’m having a good one & LADIES I hope u are 2 !!! #WhatUDoingThisWeekend #Nothin #Cool #ThenComeNLetDisDickBreakUpYoInsidesLikeTygaAndKylie #UGonePutSomeRespekOnThisDih #WorkinAllWeekWitYoFineAss #UDoneWithFinalsHuh #IgotTheWholeSummerToSlowStrokeThatPussyHuh #YouEverFuckedBehindABowlingAlleyAfterHours #No #ThenTonitesYoLuckyNight #ImGonePINyouToAWallAndThrowTheseBallsDownYoLane #YouHearMe #UWannaBiteMyEarButYouCantReachItCauseImPullingYoHairWithMyLeftHandWhileMyRightGrippinThatAss #AndEverytimeSomebodyBowlAStrikeAndYouHerePeopleInsideYelling #ThatsYourCueToGetThatScreamOutYouBeenHoldingIn #AndYouRememberHowItAllStartedDontYou #iToldYouIfYoRightLegWasThanksGiving #AndYoLeftLegWasChristmas #WouldYouLetMeChillWitYouBetweenTheHolidays #AintNoOtherNiggaInTheWorldFuckinULikeMe #ThisThatComicBookDick #UBeWolverineWithThemNailsInMyBack #IllBeThor #HammerDatPussyToDeath #OhAndUKnowItsUrs #AllUGottaDoIsPutThatPride2TheSideAndLetMeStrokeDatEgo #DropsMic #MeatPrintPapiHasSpoken

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Una foto publicada por The Game (@losangelesconfidential) el